A friend of mine and I walked the labyrinth at Hospice of Acadiana this early morning. I was sweetly reminded of another friend who lost her life to cancer as I stepped into the labyrinth.

Releasing, Releasing, Releasing!

The letting go and surrendering with each step – moving away from what has been, moving away from what is now the past, moving, letting go, surrender.

Each step intentional, slow, methodical.

Focus on breath,

Focus on movement,

Focus on the thoughts that try to steal this moment of still and surrender.

Letting go…

As I wound my way through the labyrinth I focused on those I have loved, still love, and I let go more. Emptying…Walking with my feet in mind…first my heel strikes the pavement then foot relaxes into the wave of the walk as toes follow the forward movement- each step another opportunity to surrender to what is. Slow my pace to be in this moment.

A final step into the center. Nature singing her song all around me.

The unusually cool August day – thank you God.

The bird orchestra – thank you God.

The lovebugs kissing my skin – thank you God.

The sunshine warm on my neck – thank you God.

The ants busy underfoot – thank you God.

This moment of still in my heart – thank you God.

Breathing, moving, I wind my way back out of the labyrinth, back to where I began. Not the same…different. With a thankful heart I move through the maze thanking God for the people, for the lessons that have been shared between. The love, the laughter, the tears, the prayers, the life lived together but for a season.

Thankful…I move through.